Monday, 13 July 2015

Creative Orientation Activities

The following are some activities that can be used in class to get the students into a creative head space and get the creative juices flowing!


Using a collage making website such as Befunky students can create a style board of their personal brand. This is great to have students identifying there own individual styles through a selected amount of pictures. This could be used as a small activity at the beginning of class to get them in a creative and focussed frame of mind for the lesson or it could be used as a bridging activity where it leads on to a larger task. For example students may be asked to create a collage that sums up their style, they must then 'label' this style and use this style for the creation of an assessment piece, pinterest board, or task.

Below is a collage I made using Befunky, I would label this style as Street Chic!

What is it?

This activity is great to teach students to think beyond what initially comes to their minds and get the students thinking creatively and outside the square. Put a shape up on the board, ask the students to identify what the shape is and list as many options as they can within a minute. Encourage creativity from students. After the minute have students share what they have listed. Check out the list I made with the following shapes.

Dart board, traffic light, eye, Target, Saturn, fried egg, button, UFO, umbrella, sombrero 

Leaf, flame, insect wing, skunk tail, salad tongs, llama toe, crab claw, flower petal, rain drop

What is the story?

This activity has students creating a story using unrelated pictures. Provide students with 6 pictures on the board, give them 5 minutes to write down a story connecting all the pictures together, encourage creativity and thinking outside the box. Have students share their stories at the end.

This is what I cam up with using the following pictures-

Gary was a crab who had big dreams, dreams to be the king of Taco Land. Taco Land is a wonderful place with the fun of rollercoaster rides, fun games, and an unlimited amount of tacos. Gary wished every day for his dream to come true, then one day whilst scrummaging through the lost treasures of a sunken ship he stumbled across a  glowing vase. Gary picked up the vase and out through a cloud of ash came a fire wizard. The wizard thanked Gary for releasing him from the vase he was trapped in and told Gary to say thanks he would grant him one wish. Gary did not have to think for long, Gary asked to be the king of Taco Land where he could ride the rollercoaster, play games, and eat unlimited tacos. The fire wizard granted him this wish and from that point on Gary was known as the King of Taco Land until he ate too many tacos and went on the roller coasters too many times that he no longer wanted to be the King of Taco Land and walked all the way back to his home in the ocean where he happily stayed.

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